Seoul shares jump on optimism over global efforts to fight financial turmoil
SEOUL, Oct. 13 (Yonhap) -- South Korean stocks surged Monday as investor
sentiment was lifted thanks to ongoing global efforts to tackle the evolving
SEOUL, Oct. 13 (Yonhap) -- South Korean stocks surged Monday as investor
sentiment was lifted thanks to ongoing global efforts to tackle the evolving
KOSDAQ 368.17 UP 17.89 points (close)
KOSPI 1,288.53 UP 47.06 points (close)
Dollar ends at 1,238.0 won DN from 1,309.0 won
SEOUL, Oct. 13 (Yonhap) -- STX Shipbuilding Co., a South Korean shipyard, said Monday it has won a order worth 161.6 billion won (US$128.9 million) to build two bulk carriers for a client in Asia.
SEOUL, Oct. 13 (Yonhap) -- STX Shipbuilding Co., a South Korean shipyard, said
Monday it has won a order worth 161.6 billion won (US$128.9 million) to build two
Oct. 14
1903 -- The Choson Dynasty closes Suminwon, an office overseeing overseas travel
by Koreans.
By Lee Joon-seung
SEOUL, Oct. 13 (Yonhap) -- South Korean researchers on Monday said that they have developed a robot that can dance to music and learn to mimic human motion.
SEOUL, Oct. 13 (Yonhap) -- Over 60 percent of unauthorized food imports
confiscated by South Korean customs officials for the past five years or so have