Lee Myung Bak's Anti-Reunification Remarks Slammed

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Pyongyang (KCNA) - Lee Myung Bak of south Korea recently told gentries of the Advisory Council of Democracy and Peaceful Unification at Chongwadae that "unification can come at midnight like a burg

Mired in populism

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The Lee Myung-bak administration is ringing alarm bells like never before.

Lee-Sohn talks

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President Lee Myung-bak is meeting Rep. Sohn Hak-kyu, leader of the main opposition Democratic Party, on Monday morning.

Election Committees Formed in DPRK

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Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- Preparations for successful elections of deputies to provincial (municipality), city (district) and county people's assemblies are brisk in different parts of the DPRK.