Woori Finance draws 4 candidates for chairmanship

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SEOUL (Yonhap) - Woori Finance Holdings Co., South Korea's top financial group, drew four candidates for its chairmanship, including the current chairman deemed highly likely to serve another term,

Rodong Sinmun Calls for North-South Cooperation

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Pyongyang (KCNA) - North-south cooperation and exchange are the best way of removing the danger of war on the Korean Peninsula and achieving independent reunification and prosperity common to the n

Japan Accused of Its Ambition for Reinvasion

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Pyongyang (KCNA) -- The Japan "Self-Defense Forces" have staged military exercises since the outset of the year while stepping up the modernization of arms and equipment in real earnest.

Kim Jong Il Enjoys Lunar New Year's Concert

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Pyongyang (KCNA) - Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defence Commission, enjoyed with senior officials of the party, state and army the Luna