Govt warns business over hacking

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SYDNEY, July 27 (AAP) - The federal government is warning businesses to protect themselves after the arrest of a 25-year-old man who is facing 50 charges in relation to online hacking.

SA officials not pursuing cult leader

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SYDNEY, July 27 (AAP)- South Australian authorities will not pursue doomsday cult leader Rocco Leo over 126 fraud allegations.

Boxing kangaroo put down

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The boxing kangaroo that attacked a 94-year-old Queensland woman has been put down.

Jobs and NSW oil supply at risk: union

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Shell's decision to shut down a Sydney refinery could cost 2200 jobs and threaten the reliability of oil supplies in NSW, a union says.

Senator Joyce road-tests New England seat

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Queensland National Senator Barnaby Joyce has been road testing the rural NSW seat of New England while independent MP Tony Windsor is overseas.

NBN provider one of many cyber breaches

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Police have flagged more arrests over one of Australia's biggest online hacking attacks, which they say could escalate to companies overseas.

US crisis may stall CPI-linked rate rise

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The potential global fallout from the US debt crisis may stop the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) from raising interest rates for now.

Culture behind Norway attack, says Blair

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Former British prime minister Tony Blair says the Norwegian massacre which claimed at least 76 lives may not be the end of far-right extremism.

Big red roo attacks elderly Qld woman

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Ninety-four-year-old Phyllis Johnson saw a blur of red fur as she was taking the Sunday washing from the line in the backyard of her Charleville home.

Murderer ran drug ring from NSW prison

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Convicted murderer Bassam Hamzy has pleaded guilty to running a drug syndicate from his NSW prison cell using a smuggled mobile phone.