Full Name: Jiji Press Ltd
Head: Executive Director - Mr. Katsuhiko Sakai
Address: 5-15-8, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8178, Japan
Phone: +813 3524 6001
Fax: +813 3542 5505
Contact persons: Nobuto SATO, Director of Secretarial Office ; Seiichi OHSHIMA, Director of International Strategy, President's Office
Email: nsato@jiji.co.jp , sohshima@jiji.co.jp
Website: http://jen.jiji.com
- Founded in 1945 ․
- OANA member since 1997 ․
- Publishing, Photo sales, News website, Event and seminar, Poll, and public relations ․
- Over 900 employees ․
- Overseas correspondents in 24 bureaus, 47 correspondents ․
- News serviced in Japanese, English .