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Mon, 12/28/2009 - 23:49
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“Passion of Hussein (AS)” published in French

TEHRAN, Dec. 28 (MNA) -- A book named “The Passion of Hussein (AS)” was recently published in French by Saeid Musavi in France.

Musavi, an Iranian student residing in France, compiled the book featuring the events of Ashura, the divine revolution of Imam Hussein (AS), and its universal significance.

Ashura is the day when Imam Hussein (AS) and his seventy-two companions were martyred on the 10th of Muharram.

The book contains six chapters describing the major characters involved in the battle of Ashura, and reviews the reasons behind this epic, as well as its political and social achievements.

His motive on choosing the events of Ashura was to clarify the issue of Karbala and its history and to introduce the major characters of this great worldwide movement to French citizens.

The book cover is decorated with an outstanding painting by master Mahmud Farshchian entitled “Evening of Ashura”.