ID :
Mon, 12/21/2009 - 15:39
Auther :

‘Iran will not downgrade relations with Britain’

TEHRAN, Dec. 21 (MNA) -- Iran has not decided to downgrade its relations with Britain, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said on late Wednesday.

Mehmanparast made the remarks during a visit to the offices of the Tehran Times and the Mehr News Agency.

Commenting on a parliamentary committee’s recent call for a reduction in the level of ties with Britain, Mehmanparast said, “Up to now, Foreign Ministry officials have not reached a decision on reducing ties with Britain.”

Countries reconsider their diplomatic relations if their national interests are threatened, he added.

On December 16, the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee urged the Foreign Ministry to reduce the level of diplomatic relations with the British government due to its hostile attitude toward Iran.

Asked if Iran would reduce cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency in response to the resolution against Iran it passed on September 30, Mehmanparast said Tehran will continue cooperation with the IAEA within the framework of the agency’s regulations.

He went on to say that all of the country’s peaceful nuclear activities are conducted under the supervision of the agency.

On Russia’s opposition to Iran’s proposal to swap its low-enriched uranium for nuclear fuel, the Foreign Ministry spokesman said certain countries want to maintain their monopoly as nuclear fuel providers.

Tehran has proposed swapping 400 kilograms of low-enriched uranium for 20 percent enriched nuclear fuel in an exchange on the island of Kish as the first phase of a deal with the major powers.

On Tehran’s stance toward the Yemeni crisis, Mehmanparast said Iran is opposed to any conflicts among Yemenis.

Tehran has advised all regional countries to help establish peace in Yemen, he added.

The Yemeni army has launched attacks on the country’s Shia population, who took up arms to try to reverse the political, economic, and religious marginalization of their Zaidi Shia community.