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Sat, 06/07/2008 - 20:14
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Baku, June 7 (AzerTAj) - The Committee on Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative ("EITI") established by the Government of Azerbaijan to implement its obligations taken at the conference on EITI held in June 2003 in London, on 3 June, 2008 announced the release of the Government's eighth EITI report (Jan-Dec 2007 assertion) audited by Moore Stephens, the independent Aggregator. The release is accompanied by the Aggregator's opinion based on individual submissions of extractive industry companies participating in the EITI process in Azerbaijan. The release of the Government's eighth EITI report together with the Aggregator's opinion follows presentation of the documents to the MOU parties on 3 June, 2008 and discussion on the outcomes of the reporting cycle. The publication of Azerbaijan's eighth EITI report follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") on November 24, 2004 between the Government of Azerbaijan, foreign and local extractive industry companies and a Coalition of some 115 Non-Governmental Organizations ("NGO's") and 15 physical persons for Increasing Transparency in Extractive Industries to implement EITI in Azerbaijan. The MOU set out a clear and independent process for the implementation of EITI in Azerbaijan and since its signing has served as the framework for implementation efforts by all parties. According to the Aggregator "...Assertion of the Committee on the EITI of the Republic of Azerbaijan, that the schedule of payments/allocations received during the 12 months ended 31 December 2007 is prepared in accordance with the aforementioned requirements, is fairly stated in all material respects".