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Sat, 12/12/2009 - 20:30
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Iran ready to exchange nuclear fuel on Kish Island

MANAMA, Bahrain, Dec. 12 (MNA) – Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki disputed Western claims that Iran has refused to exchange its low enriched uranium for a 20 percent enriched nuclear fuel for the Tehran Research reactor.

Mottaki said Iran is ready to exchange 400 kilograms of its low enriched uranium on Kish Island in the Persian Gulf.

“We have announced that we are prepared to exchange 400 kilograms of uranium on Kish Island,” Mottaki told a press briefing on Saturday on the sidelines of the Manama forum organized by the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

Iran has demanded a 100 percent guarantee that it will receive the 20 percent enriched uranium if it agrees to a trade for its low-enriched uranium.

Iran is highly suspicious of the great powers’ sincerity.

As a guarantee, Iran had already proposed a simultaneous exchange of nuclear fuel.

The foreign minister said exchanging nuclear fuel was proposed by the 5+1 group (five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany).

“They told us give 3.5 percent nuclear fuel and take 20 percent fuel… and we agreed with the general outlines of the proposal but we suddenly noticed that Western media reported that 1,200 kilograms of nuclear fuel will be shipped out of Iran so that Iran get a departure from building nuclear weapons.”

“Is this the response to confidence building?” Mottaki asked.

He also stated Tehran should have either completely agreed with the proposal or rejected it but Iran took a “middle way”.

“We suggested that exchange takes place within some years; and in addition we announced to the 5+1 that we would deliver 400 kilograms of uranium enriched to a 3.5 percent on Kish Island and get its equivalent enriched to a 20 percent.”

“Is this not a response and initiative?” Mottaki asked.

The foreign minister pointed out that certain countries are deceiving public opinion about the proposed exchange deal.

Iran has the right to ensure that the other side is sincere about what he says, Mottaki noted.

He further explained that the Tehran reactor produces medical isotopes and “not weapons” and asked why the Westerners are threatening Iran for such a thing that is of humanitarian nature.

“What is the meaning of such action?” he again asked.