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Wed, 12/09/2009 - 00:54
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APA chief proposes adoption of Asian common legislation

BANDUNG, INDONESIA, Dec. 8 (MNA) — Secretary General of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) has called for adoption of a common legislation by Asian parliaments in three areas of culture, health and climate change.

In a speech delivered to the 4th plenary session of APA on Tuesday, Mohammad Nejad-Hosseinian said the adoption of a common legislation is an essential element in the process of “Asian integration”.

”… so far two different approaches have been proposed as the ways to attain such a goal. One is to attach to the current APA practices and the other is to establish an Asian Parliament.”

Establishing an Asian parliament at this juncture seems farfetched “due to the existence of different political and legal systems” and also costly and challenging, Nejad-Hosseinian explained.

“Therefore, it is advisable to pursue the existing APA practices that have the endorsement of Asian Parliaments,” he pointed out.

He added, “A Common legislation embodies certain principles and does not necessarily include all the details of a legislation which based on each country’s distinctiveness, may be different from one country to another.”

APA secretary general urged member parliaments to consider three areas of concern to all Asian parliaments: combating against smuggling of cultural items in Asia, promoting health equity, and an Asian strategy for climate change.

The APA secretary general described Troika+2 as “an efficient mechanism at the disposal of the assembly to address the emergency cases in Asia.”

Troika+2 should take greater strides and continue to make representations on behalf of the APA in areas and situations of conflict in order to promote international peace and security, Nejad-Hosseinian noted.

He said in order to achieve the above objective “the secretary general has prepared a framework for the activities of Troika+2 to be considered and approved by the APA Troika+2.”

Troika+2 includes parliament speakers of Iran, Indonesia and Syria, as the former, current and future presidents of APA from three main geographical regions in Asia, in addition to two other parliament speakers from other Asian sub-regions. The main mandate of Troika+2 is to defuse conflicts and help to promote international peace and security.

In 2009 APA secretariat managed to convene meetings of nine sub-committees and one ad-hoc committee including sub-committees on financial crisis, corruption, globalization, cultural diversity, achieving health equity, environment, alleviating poverty, energy and ad-hoc committee on financial regulations in Malaysia, Iran, Turkey, Cambodia, Korea and Indonesia, Nejad-Hosseinian said.

He expressed hope that in 2010 the assembly will enjoy full cooperation of member parliaments in fulfilling its responsibilities.

To promote the idea of integration in the mind of Asia’s young generation the secretariat has launched a contest for Asian students, APA chief declared.

APA welcomes secretary general’s initiative to promote trade in Asia

Member parliament to the Assembly of Asian Parliaments on Tuesday welcomed the secretary general’s initiative to engage the private sector in promoting APA objectives.

The initiative calls for joint efforts in particular organizing three continent-wide annual expert forums on economy, industry, energy and tourism to promote trade in Asia.

APA member parliament has declared their readiness to provide all assistance to the secretary general to implement the initiative.

(By Mohammad Hashemi)