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Mon, 12/07/2009 - 18:02
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Saudi Arabia committing fratricide in Yemen: Iran's Majlis speaker

GORGAN, Iran, Dec. 7 (MNA) -- Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani has condemned Saudi Arabia’s military offensive in Yemen, calling it fratricide of Muslims.

Larijani said it is not clear why Riyadh launched the offensive, which has exacerbated the bad situation in Yemen.

“The issue of Yemen is important. An unjustified war is taking place in Yemen, but we did not expect the Saudi leaders to enter the conflict,” he told Muslim clerics on Friday at a meeting in Gorgan, the capital of the northern province of Golestan.

Iran has always wanted the Saudi Arabian government to enjoy dignity and respect among Muslims, but Riyadh has repeatedly taken the wrong path, he noted.

During the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war, the Saudis supported Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, the Majlis speaker said.

During Israel’s attack of Lebanon, the Saudis again made a mistake by not supporting the Lebanese resistance, he added.

And when Israel was committing atrocities in the Gaza war, the Saudis made no efforts to end the conflict and stop the massacre of innocent Sunni Muslims, he noted.

“One cannot resolve a conflict by using rockets and missiles. If the Saudis want to use rockets, why don’t they use them against Israel?

“We advise the Saudis and other nations to seek peaceful solutions to the conflict, since the approach of Saudi Arabia is not acceptable at all for an Islamic nation,” the parliament speaker added.

Larijani also urged Iranian officials to stay on the current path in the nuclear negotiations with the West and to use all the diplomatic means necessary.

“We support any sound and robust negotiations, but if they (Western powers) want to try to impose their own will on Iran in order to thwart Iran’s potential, it will bring an end to the negotiations,” Iran’s former chief nuclear negotiator warned.

“They should be aware that such approaches will not harm Iran,” he added.