ID :
Thu, 12/03/2009 - 02:28
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Iran will produce 20% enriched nuclear fuel: Ahmadinejad

TEHRAN, Dec. 2 (MNA) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Wednesday that Iran will produce the 20 percent enriched uranium for the Tehran research reactor inside the country.

“We told them (Western countries) to provide us with the 20 percent enriched fuel, but although they have a legal duty to give us the fuel… they said, ‘If you want us to give you the fuel, you should hand over your 3.5 percent fuel,’” and said that if Iran does not hand over its low-enriched uranium, then there will be no deal, and then they passed a resolution against the country, Ahmadinejad told a gathering of people in Isfahan.

This logic belongs to the Middle Ages and has been proven wrong over and over again, he added.

“All nations rose up against this logic, and our nation will also produce the 20 percent enriched fuel and whatever it needs,” Ahmadinejad stated.

The International Atomic Energy Agency passed a resolution on Friday criticizing Iran for constructing a second enrichment plant at Fordo, in addition to its enrichment facility at Natanz, and demanding a halt to construction of the Fordo plant.

However, Iran previously informed the IAEA about the Fordo nuclear project, exactly as it is required to do under agreements related to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and the agency thanked Iran for its cooperation.

The Iranian cabinet voted overwhelmingly on Sunday in favor of a directive that requires the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran to formulate the plans for the construction of 10 more uranium enrichment facilities on the scale of the Natanz nuclear plant within two months.

The directive envisages the construction of five plants, for which the land has already been set aside, to begin within two months.

According to the Fourth Development Plan (2005-2010), Iran’s nuclear power plants should eventually generate up to 20,000 megawatt-hours of electricity annually, so the administration should supply the power plants with the needed nuclear fuel by establishing new enrichment plants, President Ahmadinejad said on Sunday.

In his remarks on Wednesday, Ahmadinejad said that international organizations are controlled by corrupt powers that do not abide by international law.

The Iranian nation will not negotiate over its nuclear rights, no matter how strenuously Western powers insist on their positions, he asserted. -