ID :
Fri, 09/25/2009 - 14:22
Auther :

Japan Prem. Hatoyama Vows to Lead World's Nuke Abolition Drive

New York, Sept. 24 (Jiji Press)--Japan will take the leadership in
global efforts for nuclear weapons abolition, Yukio Hatoyama, its new prime
minister, said in his speech at a U.N. Security Council summit on nuclear
nonproliferation and disarmament Thursday.
The summit, chaired by U.S. President Barack Obama, unanimously
adopted a resolution calling for a world without nuclear weapons.
The harsh reality is that global nuclear nonproliferation efforts
have reached a grave phase, Hatoyama said, referring to nuclear development
in North Korea and Iran.
Hatoyama underlined that Japan will firmly maintain its three
nonnuclear principles of not producing or possessing nuclear weapons or
allowing their entry into its territory, vowing to fulfill its
responsibility as the only nation attacked by atomic bombs.
Hatoyama also emphasized the need to put the Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty into force quickly and to start negotiations at an early time on the
Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty, which is aimed at banning the production of
materials such as highly-enriched uranium for nuclear weapons.
He said Japan will actively participate in a global nuclear summit
proposed by Obama.
The prime minister emphasized that North Korea's nuclear weapons
development is a threat to international peace and security and is totally
Japan will take further necessary steps to enhance the
effectiveness of Security Council resolutions against North Korea, backing
the idea of tightening Japan's sanctions such as by passing a bill for cargo
inspection targeting ships related to the reclusive state.