ID :
Wed, 07/29/2009 - 16:48
Auther :

Japan to Provide 2 B. Dlrs to Fund IMF Loans to Ukraine

Tokyo, July 29 (Jiji Press)--Japan will provide 2 billion dollars
to finance loans that the International Monetary Fund plans to supply to
Ukraine on Thursday, the Finance Ministry said Wednesday.

The IMF's 3.3-billion-dollar loans will be also covered by 200
million dollars from the Canadian government and 90 million dollars from
Norges Bank, the central bank of Norway. The rest will be put up by the IMF.
Japan's move came after the country last November pledged to
provide 100 billion dollars, or about 10 pct of its foreign exchange
reserves, to a program to boost the IMF's lending capacity.
The program is designed to help the IMF provide more assistance to
emerging economies battered by the global financial crisis.
The loans to Ukraine mark the first time that the IMF uses
resources made available by the program.