With her boundless grief at the passing away of the Party chief, Principal of the Nguyen Du Lao – Vietnamese bilingual school, Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong affirmed that, the Party leader was a vivid example of the study and following of President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings.
Vice Chairman of the Vietnamese Business Association in Laos, Hoang Van Quan said that, Party leader Trong’s leadership helped Vietnam weather headwinds, while creating a facelift for the nation, with improved lives seen in both rural and urban areas.
Chairman of the Vietnamese Association in Vientiane, Le Van Mui, meanwhile, expressed his outpouring of grief over the passing of the Party leader, who gave him sincere words of advice, including those on how to make the Vietnam – Laos relations closer and closer.
Dr. Phan Bich Thien, Chairwoman of Vietnamese Women's Forum in Europe and Vice Chairwoman of Vietnamese Association in Hungary said: "I really appreciate what General Secretary Trong said on culture, namely, preserving culture is preserving the nation. That is the key point for the development of the whole nation. Particularly, the Party chief has paid a due attention to the overseas Vietnamese, and the national unity. It must be said that, there has never been a time, when overseas Vietnamese have turned towards the country like they do now."./.
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