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Thu, 05/16/2024 - 22:34
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HM King chairs 33rd Bahrain Summit

Manama, May 16 (BNA): The 33rd Arab Summit began today under the presidency of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa at the Sakhir Palace.


The Bahraini delegation was led by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister.


The Bahrain Summit began with a recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by the speech of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the President of the 32nd session of the Arab Summit, delivered on his behalf by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince, and Prime Minister, of Saudi Arabia.


The transcript of the speech is as follows:


"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Your Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain,

Your Excellencies and Highnesses,

Secretary General of the Arab League,

Distinguished attendees,


Peace be upon you.

On behalf of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, I extend greetings and best wishes for a successful summit.


We express our sincere thanks and appreciation to King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of the Kingdom of Bahrain for the warm welcome and generous hospitality extended to us.


Your Excellencies and Highnesses,

During its presidency of the 32nd summit, Saudi Arabia prioritised Arab issues and strengthened joint Arab action. It focused on formulating common positions on regional and international matters, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause.


The Kingdom convened the Joint Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit to address the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip. This summit resulted in a collective resolution condemning the aggression and rejecting any justification for it. Subsequently, the Ministerial Committee established by the summit was tasked with initiating immediate international action on behalf of all member states to stop the war in Gaza.


The Kingdom launched a fundraising campaign exceeding SAR700 million to support our Palestinian brothers. The Kingdom also operated air and sea bridges to deliver aid directly to Gaza and pledged continued support to international organisations working to alleviate the tragic situation there.


We emphasise the need for continued collaboration to confront the brutal aggression against Palestine. We urge the international community to fulfil its responsibility by demanding an immediate cessation of aggression from the occupying forces and ensuring the delivery of humanitarian aid.


We stress the importance of pursuing a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue based on UN legitimate resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, guaranteeing the Palestinian people's right to establish an independent state within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.


The Kingdom welcomes the adoption of a resolution by the UN General Assembly on May 10, 2024, recognising Palestine's eligibility for full UN membership. We call upon more countries to move forward with bilateral recognition of the Palestinian state.


Your Excellencies and Highnesses,

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia prioritises regional security, peace, and prosperity and advocates peaceful conflict resolution. In this spirit, the Kingdom will continue providing humanitarian and economic assistance to Yemenis and facilitating dialogue among Yemeni parties to achieve a political solution and end the crisis.


Saudi Arabia hosted in Jeddah the talks between the parties of the Sudanese crisis with the aim of establishing a truce and a ceasefire agreement to end the crisis, preserve Sudan's sovereignty and unity, and enable it to restore its security and stability for a better future.


The Kingdom emphasises the critical importance of maintaining security in the Red Sea. Freedom of navigation in this vital waterway is an international imperative that serves the interests of the entire world. We call for the immediate cessation of any activity threatening maritime navigation's security and safety.


Your Excellencies and Highnesses,

Despite the political and security challenges facing the Arab world, we remain confident in our ability to overcome them through continued joint efforts. We will keep working together to achieve sustainable development and prosperity, fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of our people across the Arab region.


In conclusion, we are pleased to congratulate King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa on assuming the presidency of the 33rd Arab Summit and pray to Allah Almighty to grant him success and help him perform this task.

Peace be upon you."


HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman handed over the presidency of the 33rd Arab Summit to His Majesty the King.


The summit then began with the following speech from His Majesty:

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.

Your Majesties, Excellencies and Highnesses,

Your Excellency the Secretary General of the Arab League,

Your Excellency the Secretary General of the United Nations,

Your Excellencies,

Esteemed guests,


May the peace of Allah and his blessings be upon you,


On our behalf and on behalf of the people of Bahrain, we are delighted to extend a warm welcome to you in your country, which takes honour in hosting this distinguished Arab gathering. We reaffirm our collective resolve and optimism for a promising future for our Arab nation, for which we envision goodness and prosperity for our people and all the people of the world.


We are honoured to assume the presidency from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, the King of Saudi Arabia. We appreciate his constructive efforts and invaluable initiatives during the presidency of the previous session, supported by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister.


We would also like to extend our profound thanks to His Excellency Ahmed Abul El Gheit, the Secretary General of the Arab League and his outstanding team, for their productive collaboration and organised preparations to hold this important session.


Your Majesties, Excellencies and Highnesses,

Our Arab Summit is held today amidst exceedingly complex regional and international circumstances, includingdestructive wars, heart-wrenching humanitarian tragedies, and threats to our nation and its identity, security, sovreignity, unity and territorial integrity.


As these risks surrounding our Arab national security persist, our responsibility increases to safeguard our joint Arab action and embark on a new chapter of stability and development that brings us nearer to our rightful aspirations, as a civilisational power capable of meeting the demands of this era and keeping pace with its advancement.


In light of the denial of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to security, freedom, and self-determination, the imperative grows for formulating a joint and urgent Arab and international stance. This stance must be anchored in dialogue and collective solidarity to end wars, attain final and fair peace as an immutable choice, if we were to triumph for our humanitarian will in the "battle for peace".


As we convene today for Palestine, we undescore that the interest of its people lies in its unity, as an irreplacable objective. The Palestinian Liberation Organisation will continue to serve as the legitimate representative of this unity.


There is no doubt that the establishment of an independent Palestinian state shall reflect positively on the entire Arab region, to overcome its crises and join hands to advance development in support of all Palestinians. Our path forward involves fostering an approach of consultation and engaging in earnest political dialogue, which we hope to see soon, across our Arab world.


Our meeting coincides with the " International Day of Living Together in Peace ". To embody this principle and transmute it into a tangible reality, we must first reach a consensus on endorsing peace as a strategic, indispensable choice to maintain the progress of humanity towards a brighter future.

Within this framework, the Kingdom of Bahrain proposes a suite of initiatives to contribute to serving core issues essential to the stability and development of the region.  Foremost among these is the call for an international conference for peace in the Middle East, in tandem with supporting full recognition of the State of Palestine and the acceptance of its membership in the United Nations. Additionally, a special proposal to provide educational and health services to those affected by conflicts in the region. Furthermore, we propose an initiative focused on developing Arab cooperation in the field of financial technology and digital transformation. We look forward to achieving all of those through joint Arab action channels and international partnerships.


Our success in realising advancement and the civilisational foundation to reap the outcome of this success, hinges on the fortitude of our faith and continuing endeavours to give the people of the region enduring peace and a feeling of safety, and to provide them with comprehensive development underpinned by justice, parity, upholding human rights, and protecting freedoms.


We hope that our consultations and decisions will contribute to re-establishing a prosperous present and a bright future that our future generations deserve, and that our meeting will be a constructive historic turning point for our countries and our world, God Almighty willing.


May God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.


The Arab League Secretary General then delivered a speech in which he asserted that the Bahrain summit is held at extraordinary circumstances.


The brutal Israeli aggression on the Palestinian people in Gaza is considered as a critical juncture, he said.


"Arab peoples will never forget this blind violence by the Israeli occupation that is targeting women and children," the AL chief further pointed out.


He said the whole world community has become well aware that occupation and peace do not meet.


The path of peace and stability in the region necessitates a different approach; the end of the occupation and the establishment of the Palestinian state along the 1967 borders, Abul Gheit stressed.


The Secretary General expressed his support for the initiative put forward by His Majesty the King on holding an international conference for peace that focuses on the two-state vision, which has international consensus.


Furthermore, Secretary General Abul El Gheit touched on the crises in Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Syria, stressing the importance of finding "Arab solutions for Arab crises."


Abul Gheit thanked His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and the Bahraini people, and congratulated the Kingdom of Bahrain for chairing the 33rd session of the Arab Summit.


The UN Secretary General then gave the following speech:


As salaam alaikum.


Your Majesty,  Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of Bahrain, thank you for your kind invitation and your warm hospitality.


Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Excellencies, Secretary-General Aboul Gheit,


I was born in Lisbon – a city that for centuries was part of Al-Andalus.


This was at a time when Cordoba was the centre of culture and civilization of the Iberian peninsula, just as Baghdad was the centre of culture and civilization of the world – reaching out from the Chinese border to the Atlantic coast.


History moved on.  And a number of transformations -- cultural, economic, technological and military -- changed the world to the detriment of the Arab people.


The majority of Arab countries were colonised.


 It took decades of struggle for liberation – sometimes bloody wars – often with long periods of exploitation – and a legacy of lines arbitrarily drawn in the sand.


But, today, once again, the world is changing and I see enormous potential in the Arab region.


You have the resources.  You have the culture.  You have the people.


But there is one core condition for success in today’s world:  unity.


Time and again, history has shown that divisions allow outsiders to intervene -- promoting conflicts, stoking sectarian tensions and inadvertently fueling terrorism.  


These are obstacles to peaceful development and the well-being of your peoples.


Overcoming those obstacles requires breaking the vicious circle of division and foreign manipulation – and moving forward together to build a more peaceful and prosperous future for the people of the Arab world and beyond.



We gather as hearts are breaking for Palestinians in Gaza.


The war in Gaza is an open wound that threatens to infect the entire region.


In its speed and scale, it is the deadliest conflict in my time as Secretary-General – for civilians, aid workers, journalists, and our own UN colleagues.


Of course, nothing can justify the abhorrent 7 October terror attacks by Hamas.


I reiterate my call for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.  


And nothing can justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.


Yet the toll on civilians continues to escalate.


Entire families wiped out.  Children traumatized and injured for life.  People denied access to the very basics for human survival.  A looming famine.


Any assault on Rafah is unacceptable.  It would inflict another surge of pain and misery when we need a surge in life-saving aid.


It is time for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and unimpeded access for humanitarian assistance throughout Gaza.


UNRWA remains the backbone of our operations in Gaza and a lifeline for Palestine refugees across the region.  It needs full support and funding.


I am also deeply troubled by tensions in the occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem, with a spike in illegal Israeli settlements, settler violence, excessive use of force by Israeli Defense Forces, demolitions and evictions.


The only permanent way to end the cycle of violence and instability is through a two-state solution, Israel and Palestine living side-by-side in peace and security, with Jerusalem as the capital of both states.


The demographic and historical character of Jerusalem must be preserved, and the status quo at the Holy Sites must be upheld, in line with the special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.



Turning to Sudan, a devastating war has thrown half the country’s population into a humanitarian freefall.  One year on, thousands have been killed, and 18 million people are staring down the terrifying threat of famine.


I urge the international community to intensify its push for peace, and call on the warring parties to agree on a lasting ceasefire.


This should be followed by a political process that includes women’s and youth groups.


I pledge the full support of the United Nations.


We must also protect the fragile political processes in Libya and Yemen.


As High Commissioner for Refugees, I witnessed the enormous generosity of the Syrian people.  I am pained to see Syria now, with so much suffering and with parts of its territory occupied with several external actors involved.


I call on all Syrians to come together in a spirit of reconciliation, honouring the diversity of the Syrian people and respecting the human rights of all.



We face other serious global crises.


The climate emergency; rising inequalities, poverty and hunger; crushing debt; and new technology – including artificial intelligence -- that is running ahead of governance and guardrails.


We need deep reforms to the global multilateral system -- from the Security Council to the international financial architecture -- so they are truly universal and representative of today’s realities.


The upcoming Summit of the Future is a pivotal opportunity to create momentum for a more networked and inclusive multilateralism.


I look forward to welcoming you to the Summit in New York in September.



There is no better moment for the Arab region to come together.


Unity and solidarity throughout the Arab world would amplify the vital voice of the region and further boost your influence on the global stage.


It can help this region find peace, make the most of its enormous potential, and further contribute to the global good.


In all this work, you can count on the United Nations, and on me personally, for our support and partnership.




Moussa Faki, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission; Hissein Brahim Taha, Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, also delivered speeches in which they expressed their thanks to His Majesty the King for hosting the Arab Summit.


They wished the Bahrain Summit success and constructive decisions that strengthen the unity of the Arab world and contribute to supporting its development process and achieving regional security and prosperity.


Arab heads of state and representatives then delivered their speeches. This was followed by the first closed session, chaired by His Majesty the King, President of the current session of the Arab Summit.