Pancasila the spirit of Indonesia's ASEAN chairmanship

Jakarta, October 18 (ANTARA) - While welcoming the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta on September 5–7, 2023, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi, listed the four primary spirits driving Indonesia's chairmanship of the bloc this year.
First, laying out a long-term vision for the region. In Indonesia's view, a long-term vision is crucial for ensuring ASEAN's future sustainability and guidance.
Second, improving the resilience of ASEAN countries in facing the challenges of the time.
Third, promoting ASEAN as the epicenter of growth. Indonesia has highlighted strengthening food security in the region as one of the major elements in accordance with the theme of its chairmanship: "ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth"
Fourth, making the Indo-Pacific a safe and peaceful region. To achieve this, Indonesia will lead member countries in promoting the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) among ASEAN partners during the next summit.
Marsudi's statement regarding the four spirits of Indonesia's chairmanship of the ASEAN is a reflection of the values enshrined in Pancasila.
The minister highlighted the importance of laying a long-term vision for the region and strengthening the resilience of ASEAN, not only to ensure sustainability and guidance for the future of ASEAN, but also for mutual cooperation or collaboration in the long-term paradigm of multilateralism.
ASEAN was founded on August 8, 1967, and has continued to exist till now because it is based on the spirit of regional cooperation and mutual respect for the sovereignty of each country.
ASEAN cooperation is a form of sincere nationalism. Countries in the Southeast Asian region are doing what is best for them in the long term, and not being provoked by momentary emotions. The cooperation does not only involve ASEAN member countries, but also ASEAN partner countries.
Therefore, the first and second spirit are an effort to revive the values of deliberation, dialogue, and mutual cooperation in the diplomatic interactions of Indonesia with the international community.
These values are a way of life in the Indonesian nation and were introduced by President Soekarno or Bung Karno at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, on September 30, 1960, in a speech entitled "To Build the World Anew."
In his remarks, Soekarno conveyed that the world must be rebuilt in conjunction with the independence of Asia-Africa nations and in resistance to colonialism and imperialism. He asked to rebuild the world based on Pancasila and adopt it as an international ideology.
Soekarno also argued why every country needs to adopt Pancasila as its state ideology by showing that Pancasila values are not only national, but universal and international.
Belief in God Almighty is a universal value, humanity is universal, nationalism is universal, democracy is universal, and social justice is universal. In fact, particularly for nationalism, he explained that nationalism is embraced by all modern countries.
Likewise, the statement regarding the third spirit, which is promoting ASEAN as a center of economic growth, is in line with the principles of humanity and social justice, with the movement of the economy in the region arising from economic and social stimulation.
The epicenter of growth that ASEAN intended to realize concerns social equality and the creation of a resilient economy as well as a balance between planning in each ASEAN country to ensure social justice.
Meanwhile, the fourth spirit of leadership to make the Indo-Pacific a safe and peaceful region cannot be separated from the win-win paradigm based on the concept of internationalism, which is rooted in nationalism.
As Bung Karno said in his speech on the founding of Pancasila at the Independence Preparatory Work Investigation Agency (BPUPK) session on June 1, 1945, "Internationalism cannot be prosperous if it is not rooted in the earth of nationalism; on the other hand, nationalism is not prosperous if it does not live in the garden of internationalism."
Therefore, ASEAN nations must listen to each other to build compromise on differing views. ASEAN is navigated with an inclusive regional architecture, which is a core value for ASEAN to become the compass in sailing forward. Through the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific, ASEAN has urged all countries to trust each other through concrete cooperation.
In the end, the acceptance of the four Indonesian leadership spirits in ASEAN is evidence that Indonesia's leadership has been accepted, not only in the Southeast Asia region, but also in all countries in the world.
As President Joko Widodo said at the commemoration of the founding of Pancasila on June 1, 2023, in Jakarta, "Pancasila ideology makes Indonesia's leadership accepted and recognized by the world. The G20 presidency, which has been successfully implemented, and the ASEAN chairmanship this year are clear evidence that Pancasila is not only important for Indonesia, but also very relevant for the world.”
Aris Heru Utomo is currently serving as director of study of Pancasila ideology development materials at the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP).