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Wed, 06/10/2009 - 20:39
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Japan Green Tech Attracting Attention in China

Beijing, June 9 (Jiji Press)--With the recent introduction of a
number of measures to tighten pollution standards at central and local
government levels, China is now looking to adopt Japanese environmental
Small and medium-sized Japanese businesses attracted a lot of
attention when they presented their cutting-edge technologies at the China
International Environmental Protection Exhibition and Conference here last
At the Japan External Trade Organization booth, space was set aside
for such Japanese firms to meet with potential Chinese clients and introduce
their products.
Showarasenkan Seisakusho Co. of Tokyo demonstrated its stainless
steel Act Pipe, which, because it is corrugated, bends easily by hand.
Koji Mizukami, its president, says "he has not expected such a
positive response" from the Chinese side. The durability and earthquake
resistance of the Act Pipe, as well as its extremely low rate of water
leakage, highlighted the differences between his company's product and
conventional Chinese pipes, Mizukami adds.
Also at the show, Japan Limonite Co., based in Aso in the southern
Japan prefecture of Kumamoto, attracted a lot of interest from Chinese
government affiliates and other visitors for a hydrogen sulfide removal
agent that is entirely reusable.
JETRO says it provided advice regarding energy-saving and
environmental technologies to Chinese companies in some 478 cases in the
year to March, of which 28 led to direct talks with Japanese companies.