ID :
Fri, 06/05/2009 - 15:29
Auther :

Japan to Help Developing Nations More to Cut Emissions

Tokyo, June 4 (Jiji Press)--The Japanese government is set to
bolster measures to help developing countries cut greenhouse gas emissions through promoting clean energy investment by their companies, informed sources said Thursday.

The government is considering measures to put its current account
surplus back into developing countries that need energy-saving technologies,
the sources told Jiji Press.
In fiscal 2008 ended in March, Japan's current account surplus came
to 12,229.1 billion yen, led by inflows of private funds into Japan,
according to data released by the Finance Ministry.
Specifically, the government is considering allowing the Japan Bank
for International Cooperation, part of government lender Japan Finance
Corp., to take some of the risks of Japanese firms' investments in clean
energy projects in developing countries.
On Wednesday, Prime Minister Taro Aso is set to announce the clean
energy investment promotion plan as well as Japan's medium-term greenhouse
gas emission reduction target, showing the nation's resolve to play an
active role in coping with global warming.
Developing countries, which use conventional energy-guzzling
equipment at steelworks and thermal power plants, can slash carbon dioxide
emissions through the use of energy-saving equipment and a shift from coal
to clean energy sources.