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Tue, 01/05/2021 - 11:52
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Simple solutions campaign starts to call ger district residents to insulate their houses with materials at hand

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Within the framework of the “Switch Off Air Pollution” project, the Simple solutions campaign has been officially launched in Sukhbaatar and Songinokhairkhan districts with a call to insulate your house with the materials at hand. The aim of the campaign is to encourage the target group households to insulate their houses through low-cost simple solutions, and to spread word of mouth about the importance of insulation among the general public. When we want to insulate our house, we first want to insulate our walls and roof. However, insulation such as windows and doors, which can be easily solved, are forgotten. Households living in ger areas will be better insulated, which will reduce heat loss and allow them to spend the winter comfortably in their homes. Reducing the amount of coal burned per day can also save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are running the "Simple solutions" campaign with the support of volunteers living in our target communities, and we aim to raise awareness of the importance of insulation to at least 1,500 households by passing information tthrough their neighbors. We work with volunteers from the Red Cross branch in each district. Doors and windows are the most common sources of heat loss in a house, so before insulating your home, start by taking simple and small steps to reduce the heat loss of your windows and doors. Heat loss can be reduced by using materials at hand such as by plugging doors and windows with old clothes. By implementing the simple solutions that we offer, it is possible to reduce heat loss by up to 8%. Depending on your financial situation, you can partially insulate the back of the house or the outer wall of the corner room. Insulation can be done in a variety of ways depending on your financial and human resources. Insulation can be done in a step by step approach according to your financial situation and human resources availability. Due to Coronavirus pandemic restrictions in Ulaanbaatar, trainings and meetings are being organized online. You can download the manual for insulating your houses at easy-to-find materials from here and following links for the specific insulation techniques. Simple solutions to insulate windows Simple solutions to insulate door Simple solutions to insulate wall Simple solutions to insulate floor Simple solutions to insulate chimney One of the families who took part in the “Simple solutions” campaign said, “I didn't know that heat insulation would be significantly reduced just by insulating the doors and windows. "I'm very happy to be part of the campaign and to be able to insulate windows and doors with the materials at hand and reduce heat loss." However, the “Simple solutions” campaign volunteer noticed that the amount of fuel used was significantly reduced after insulating their homes, and wants to remind the campaign-participating families to notice not only how warm their houses became after insulating their windows and doors, but also how much fuel they have saved. About Switch Off Air Pollution: Co-financed by the European Union under the Switch Asia programme, with additional support from Abbe Pierre Foundation, Czech Development Agency and the French Development Agency; the Switch Off Air Pollution project is being implemented by Geres Mongolia, in collaboration with Building Energy Efficiency Center of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolian National Construction Association and People in Need INGO during the 2018-2021 period. About Geres Mongolia: Geres is an international NGO with expertise in energy and development, with over 40 years of experience in Europe, Africa, and Asia improving living conditions of the people and fighting against the impacts of climate change. Contact If you have additional media inquiries, please contact Odonchimeg.I, Geres Mongolia Communications Officer: +976-75052000 and