ID :
Fri, 03/27/2009 - 13:48
Auther :

Japan Orders Interceptors for N. Korea Missile

Tokyo, March 27 (Jiji Press)--Japan's defense minister Friday
ordered a deployment of interceptors to protect the country from a North
Korean missile that could fall on its territory.

Yasukazu Hamada ordered the Self-Defense Forces to get prepared to
destroy what Pyongyang claims to be a satellite after the Japanese
government authorized the use of the country's missile defense shield for
the first time ever.
Prime Minister Taro Aso, speaking at a security meeting, said, "We
must stop anything that could cause harm to Japanese people."
North Korea has said it will launch a satellite sometime during
five days from April 4, but it is widely believed that Pyongyang will fire a
Taepodong-2 long-range ballistic missile.
The missile is expected to fly over the two northern Japan
prefectures of Akita and Iwate. But the government is concerned that rocket
boosters or the missile itself could fall on Japanese soil in the event of a
fault or an accident.
The SDF will deploy two Aegis destroyers armed with Standard
Missile-3 interceptors in the Sea of Japan.
In addition, the SDF will deploy Patriot Advanced Capability-3
surface-to-air missiles at its bases in the Tokyo area as well as in the
northern Japan prefectures.
Japan plans not to intercept the missile if it passes over Japanese
Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura told a news conference that
the government will swiftly release information in case North Korea launches
any flying object.