ID :
Wed, 11/05/2008 - 13:38
Auther :

President: Divine religions sympathetic to each other

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that all ethnics and religious minorities in Iran, including the Armenians, coexist peacefully.

In the Islamic Republic of Iran all religions as well as ethnic groups share the sorrow or joys of each other, he said adding that they adopted a unified stand during the eight years of sacred defense (Iraq-imposed war of 1980-1988) and now spare no efforts to ensure the country's progress, development and construction.

President Ahmadinejad made the remarks in a meeting with Bishop of Armenian Orthodox Church in Cilici Aram I Keshishian in Tehran on Tuesday.

All disputes and problems of humanity have roots are rooted in atheism, he said.

All prophets believed in one unique reality because they all had one message and all sought prosperity of humanity, he said.

All people around the globe are discontent with the current situation in the world and seek someone who will appear to rescue the world, he said.

Both Islam and Christianity believe that some day somebody will come to rescue the world which is regarded as the mystery and the view is common among followers of divine religions, he said.

It is among the duties of religious leaders to invite people to monotheism, he said.

"We should contribute to eradicate the root causes of wars, occupation, aggression, discrimination and poverty in the world," he said.

Referring to continued wars, conflicts and carnage round the world by bullying powers in the 20th century, he said "If the believers collaborate with each other they can prevent many catastrophe and play a very much constructive role to this end."

The Armenian Orthodox archbishop, for his part, expressed satisfaction with the peaceful co-existence of religious minorities in Iran and said the Armenian society has deep-rooted historical ties with Iranian nation and have lived in peace and friendship with each other for many years.

"We are among the real supporters of the Islamic Republic of Iran," he concluded./end