ID :
Thu, 10/16/2008 - 09:52
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Iran criticizes western governments approach to Taliban

United Nations, Oct 15, IRNA - Iranian Permanent Ambassador to United Nations Mohammad Khazaee said on Tuesday criticized attempts made by Western governments to hold negotiations with terrorist and extremist groups in Afghanistan.

He told the Security Council meeting that Iran has extended extensive
assistance to the Afghan people over the past several years and
supports the democratic government in Afghanistan.

Khazaee said that Afghanistan is suffering from insecurity,
cultivation of poppy and drug trafficking as well as the humanitarian
crisis adding that collusion of the Western governments with the
terrorists will lead to prevalence of extremism in Afghanistan and a
situation from which the country suffered over the past three decades.

"Collusion with the terrorists will deteriorate the situation in Afghanistan."
Khazaee said that the Western governments are expected to help upgrade
life standard of the Afghan people to the extent that they feel
welfare and well-being in everyday life instead of deadly military

The Iranian representative called for developing infrastructure and
capacity building in agriculture sector and contribution to education
in Afghanistan.

"Iran believes practical steps should be taken to strengthen the
Afghan army and national police and speed up transition from security
administration to the political system or the Afghan government."
Khazaee expressed concern about deaths of innocent civilians in
Afghanistan saying that the international community is growingly
worried about the civilians falling victims to either the military
operations of foreign forces in Afghanistan, a reference to US-led
bombardment of civilian targets in Azizabad or the terrorist operations.

He said that the illicit drugs being produced in Afghanistan have
posed serious threat to the region and the entire world adding that
Iran has launched serious campaign against drug trafficking and
expects the international community to follow suit.

Khazaee said that Iran hosted three million Afghan refugees over the
past three decades and appealed for contribution of the international
community to repatriate the illegal Afghan immigrants from Iran.

He said that currently there are 950,000 registered Afghan refugees
and over one million illegal Afghan immigrants in Iran.

Khazaee recalled Iranian contribution to Afghan reconstruction and
said that Iran also has carried out infrastructural development
projects in that country.

Meanwhile, Chief United Nations Envoy to Afghanistan Kai Eide
presented a report to the Security Council at the beginning of the
session and then representatives of the member states put forward
their views about Afghanistan.