ID :
Wed, 10/15/2008 - 18:22
Auther :

Iran deplores lack of progress in disarmament

United Nations, New York, Oct 15, IRNA - Deputy of Iran's permanent mission to the United Nations Eshaq Ale Habib on Tuesday deplored lack of progress in the field of disarmament.

Addressing a session of the UN disarmament and international security
committee, Ale Habib outlined Iran's principled policy for disarmament
and the world security as well as using nuclear technology for
peaceful purposes.

He said that series of complicated and serious challenges have led to
undermine international peace, security and stability.

Ale Habib referred to those challenges as stockpiling thousands of
nuclear weapons, ignoring the international disarmament obligations,
growing tendency towards ruling the world by militarism, prevailing of
the doctrine of making pre-emptive attacks and misusing the
international organizations as well as the issue of terrorism.

The diplomat stated that the present condition created an intensified
arms race and deepened global distrust and the state of insecurity
among world nations.

Ale Habib suggested that a drastic and fundamental change is needed to
put an end to this stage of history and create a new era at the
international scene which would be based on security, development,
cooperation and multilateralism.

The diplomat voiced Iran's readiness, as the only victim of chemical
weapons in the contemporary world, to help with strong will
materialize the idea of a world free from mass destruction weapons.