ID :
Mon, 10/06/2008 - 13:10
Auther :

Special committee to be set up for Iran-Venezuela projects

Iran's Minister of Industries and Mines Ali Akbar Mehrabian and
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro agreed to set up a special committee to review barriers impeding the implementation of the two
countries' economic projects.

Mehrabian told reporters that Iran-Venezuela ties are at a desirable
level and they are currently engaged in implementing industrial

The two countries' ties follow a progressive model which is noticed by
all independent countries, especially Latin American states, he said.

During the meeting, progress of the project were also reviewed.

Both sides were pleased with the trend of their implementation,
Mehrabian noted.

According to him, so far, joint projects worth millions of dollars
have come on stream. They include house building and tractor
manufacturing projects.

Maduro, for his part, referred to the desirable level of bilateral
ties and said that it can serve as a suitable model for Third World

All the projects have left behind problems and are to become
operational, he said, adding a joint committee will deal with the
outstanding issues regarding the plans.

The committee will present weekly reports on the trend of
implementation of the projects to both sides, he said.