ID :
Thu, 10/27/2011 - 19:36
Auther :

MP: US forces aimed at stirring up sedition and chaos through arresting guards of Friday prayers Sq. in Basra

Basra (NINA) - MP from the Ahrar Bloc, Oday Awad, described the raid conducted by the US forces in the Friday prayers Sq. in the center of Basra, today, as a "provocative act and a violation to the agreements signed by the Iraqi government with the US side." He denounced the arrest of 6 citizens without a judicial arrest warrants issued against them along with messing with the contents of the Sq. and imposed a security cordon for several hours during the operation carried out today morning. Oday called on the Iraqi government to exert its efforts to protect the citizens’ security at home and maintain their dignity. A joint US-Iraqi force raided this morning the Friday prayers Sq. in the 5 meel District, central Basra, after imposing a cordon for several hours, and arrested six guards that were in it. / End/