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Mon, 09/12/2011 - 19:42
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Barware: Barzani calls Kurdish ministers and MPs in Erbil to discuss a response to Maliki’s disregarding a request to withdraw OGL

Baghdad (NINA) - Adel Barware, adviser to Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki for the Kurdistan region affairs said the “President of Kurdistan Region Masoud Barzani’s call on Kurdish Ministers in the Federal Government and the Kurdish MPs for the meeting in Erbil tomorrow, is to respond to Maliki’s disregard of the request to withdraw the draft law of oil and gas."

He added, in remarks carried by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) website today that "the draft law of oil and gas was passed in the cabinet without consulting the Kurdistan region," noting that the central government dealt with the region as a province, or even less than this size.

Regarding the presence of Kurdish ministers in the federal government during passing the draft, Barware explained that "Kurdish ministers in the federal government do not represent the opinion of the region and it was better to wait for a visit by a delegation headed by Prime Minister of KRG Barham Salih, or at least consult with Masoud Barzani."

Barware said the reason behind Barzani’s call on ministers and MPs to the meeting, is "to respond to Maliki's disregard of his request to withdraw the draft law and not submit it to Parliament."

as for the cause of the Kurds’ fear from submitting the draft law of oil and gas to the parliament, he said that: "all the blocs, despite their differences, agreed to pass this law, the Kurdistan Alliance has only 44 seats, and the law will pass, even if we voted against it, therefore, there is no point of discussion in parliament because the Kurds will be the losers. If so, then, we will boycott parliament sessions and the federal government."

He declined to comment on the accusation of Deputy Prime Minister for Energy, Hussein Shahristani, to the region of reducing its oil exports, and said "it is best for Shahristani and the federal government to calm the situation and improve the atmosphere and not to escalate the situation."

He went on saying it is probable that a delegation from the region headed by Barham Salih would visit Baghdad after the meeting of Tuesday to carry the notes and proposals to address the issue of oil and gas, and the outstanding problems, such as Article 140 of the Constitution and disputed areas and the salaries of the Peshmirga and other things.

Barzani accused Maliki last week of disregarding political agreements "to impose a central dictatorship," calling for the withdrawal of the draft law of oil and gas.

The presidency of the Kurdistan Region called on the cabinet to withdraw the draft law of oil and gas immediately "for contradicting the substance of the constitution and the legal process within the Cabinet.”