ID :
Wed, 09/07/2011 - 18:08
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Tae warns from counterfeiting currencies and targeting the Iraqi economy operations accompanying the currency change

Karbala (NINA) – Yousif Hajeem Al Tae, from the Ahrar Bloc, warned from “the control of the neighboring countries on the Iraqi economy and destroy it, during the change of the Iraqi currency with a new one.”

Tae told NINA correspondent “the neighboring countries and others will pour counterfeiting currency in order to control the Iraqi economy through voiding the Iraqi currency from its purchasing power to control Iraq’s monetary status.”

“The time of the currency change is not right; it was chosen to distract the citizens from the demands to provide services. This operation should e done when Iraq is stable in the economic and political domains,” he elaborated.

The Iraqi Central Bank Advisor, Mudhhir Mohammed Salih, pointed out in press statement that the preparations to implement this project are done.