ID :
Sat, 09/03/2011 - 19:25
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MP from SLC rules out IS forming coalition with Sadrists to withdraw confidence from Malik

Baghdad (NINA) – MP from the State of Law Coalition, Samira Al Musawi, ruled out the possibility that the Iraqiya Slate and the Sadr Trend forming a coalition to withdraw confidence from Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki.

She told NINA correspondent today “the IS cannot do that, because if could; it would have formed the biggest parliamentary bloc after the elections.”

Musawi added “the IS counts on forming a coalition with the Sadrists to withdraw confidence from the government, but, this is far from achieving because the Trend has a unanimous agreement inside on keeping Maliki in his post despite of some viewpoint inside the Trend that object some orientations within the political process.”

MP from the IS, Liqaa Mahdi Wardi, announced today that the IS agreed with the Sadr Trend to form a coalition in order to withdraw confidence from Maliki’s government in case it did not improve its performance.