ID :
Sat, 09/20/2008 - 10:17
Auther :

NHN tapping on Japan's search engine market

SEOUL, Sept. 20 (Yonhap) -- NHN Corp., operator of South Korea's largest Internet portal Naver, has recently reopened a Japanese Web site and is currently hiring in Japan to tap into the Japanese market, insiders said Saturday.

The homegrown tech giant started its Japanese-language search engine
( in 2000, but terminated it in 2006 in the face of Yahoo Japan
Corp.'s unwavering dominance in that market.
NHN again established its Japanese portal in November, reopening the
Japanese-language site at the end of August and restarting efforts to make
inroads into Japan.
Naver Japan is currently hiring employees for the budding business, according to
the Japanese Web site. The recruiting notice does not say how many jobs are open,
but explains working conditions in detail, including salary, working hours,
incentives and the location of the company.
"NHN opened the Japanese Web site to recruit employees and publicize the company
so that we can start the Japanese search engine service within the year," an
insider said.