ID :
Fri, 08/05/2011 - 11:52
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CPRK Secretariat Blasts "Spy Ring Case" Fabricated by S. Korea

Pyongyang, August 5 (KCNA) -- The Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (CPRK) issued information bulletin No. 977 Thursday denouncing the south Korean public security authorities for cooking up "spy ring case."
The bulletin says:
They arrested lots of people of opposition parties and those from all social standings including trade unions, academic and economic circles, talking about "contacts" and presenting "material evidence." They are investigating those people in a bid to persecute them.
The CPRK Secretariat denounces the "spy ring case" as a fascist suppression of pro-reunification and patriotic forces in south Korea and another serious provocation to the DPRK.
By fabricating such shocking cases as "spy ring case" and kicking off a repressive campaign, the south Korean security authorities seek to distract the mindset of the broad masses from the failed domestic and foreign policies and stalled north-south relations and divert elsewhere the attention of the public opinion. It also seeks to tide over the crisis by branding the progressive forces as "pro-communist" and "pro-north" forces and thus ensure the conservative group's maintenance of power.