ID :
Thu, 07/07/2011 - 20:11
Auther :

Falluji: Nujeifi pledged not to endorse any commitment with US unless they pay compensations

Baghdad (NINA) – Hussein Al Falluji, chairman of the demanding compensations from Americans committee, unveiled that Parliament Speaker, Osama Al Nujeifi, pledged not endorse any commitment with the Americans unless they pay compensations for the Iraqi people for the war of 2003.

Falluji told NINA today “I met with Nujeifi, along with Salman Al Jumaily head of the Iraqiya Slate in Parliament, and we discussed the issue of demanding the Americans with compensations for the damages inflicted on Iraqis.”

Falluji added “Nujeifi expressed readiness to cooperate with the national campaign and to move the file.” /End/