ID :
Wed, 06/29/2011 - 12:07
Auther :

S. Korean Regime's Anti-DPRK Confrontation Racket Flailed

Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the National Reconciliation Council in a statement on June 28 denounced the south Korean regime for suppressing the actions of the south Korean people for independence, democracy, reunification and vital rights on the strength of the "National Security Law".
The number of the organizations labeled by the south Korean regime as illegal on charges of the violation of the NSL after it took office reached thousands and that of the arrested pro-reunification activists more than quadrupled as compared with that during its preceding regime, the statement said, and went on:
Voices calling for the abolition of the NSL are growing stronger than ever before in south Korea and it has become a target of international criticism.
The participants in the 17th meeting of the UN Human Rights Council held in Geneva recently branded the NSL as an anti-human rights law and strongly demanded its abolition.