ID :
Thu, 05/26/2011 - 16:17
Auther :

U.S. Forces' Burial of Defoliant Branded as Hideous Crime

Pyongyang, May 26 (KCNA) -- The Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea issued information bulletin No. 972 on Thursday as regards the recently disclosed fact that the U.S. forces present in south Korea buried a huge amount of defoliant in U.S. military bases in secrecy.
The U.S. has regarded the land of south Korea as no more than a colonial dumping ground which it can trample down and where it can throw poisonous materials as it pleases and the south Korean people as no more than colonial slaves whom it never cares whether they are dead or alive, the information bulletin noted, and went on:.
The fact goes to clearly prove that the U.S. forces leave no stone unturned to attain their purpose and neither the living of the south Koreans nor the existence of the Korean nation is thinkable as long as the U.S. forces stay in south Korea.
The Lee Myung Bak regime is working hard to force the nation to fall victim to outside forces' policy of a war of aggression, while more shamelessly kowtowing to the U.S.