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Mon, 05/09/2011 - 19:09
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MP calls on parliament to vote on Maliki's candidates for security ministries

Baghdad (NINA) - MP of the Wasat Alliance, Khalid Abdullah Al Alwani, called on the members of Parliament to vote on the candidates of Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki to fill the security ministries and break the cycle of partisanship and sectarianism.

He said in a statement to NINA on Monday "the deteriorating security situation in Baghdad and other provinces results from not naming the security ministers, so, the Parliament has to move out of the loyalties of their blocs and vote, in the first session of parliament, to choose the security ministries candidates."

He expressed his surprise at the statements delivered by members of IS, in which they pointed to their refusal to vote on the candidates sent by Maliki to Parliament, considering that the defense minister post as their share.

Alwani wondered "if the Ministry of Defense is the IS share, why did not they take it within the eleven ministries, representing their share, the same applies to the Interior Ministry which is not the National Alliance’s share."

He added that "candidates for the security ministries must be independent at the same time professional and have the competence and enjoy the acceptance of the other political blocs."

The Prime Minister nominated member of the Wasat Alliance, Minister of Culture Saadoun Al Dulaimi, to the post of Minister of Defense, Tawfiq Al Yasiri to the Ministry of Interior, Riyadh Gharib for the National Security.