ID :
Mon, 04/11/2011 - 19:53
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Mutlag asserts the necessity of importing investors, provide the lands for their projects

Baghdad (NINA) – Deputy Prime Minister, Salih Al Mutlag, stressed the necessity of working on importing serious investors and providing the needed lands for their investments to support the Iraqi economy and create jobs for the unemployed.

In a statement, during an investment conference arranged by State Minister of Provinces Affairs, Turhan Al Mufti, Mutlag said “investment is gaining great importance and it is very important for Iraq especially after the security improvement.”

“We have to mend fences facing investors through identifying the hurdles, study them thoroughly by the Investment Commission, State Ministry for Provinces Affairs, and the Cabinet to limit the overlapping and the repetition of requests,“ he added.

Present at the meeting were; Ali Al Allaq, Cabinet secretary general, Sami Al Araji, Head of the Investment Commission, Baghdad Governor, Baghdad Mayor, and a number of General Directors in the Governorate.