ID :
Sun, 04/03/2011 - 01:46
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Tri-partite meeting held in Erbil

Erbil (NINA) – A meeting held on Saturday, Apr. 2, in Erbil between the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Islamic Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (IPUK).

The meeting comes within the frames of series of meetings between Kurdish political groups to discuss the region's current situation.

In the meeting discussion covered the current situation in Kurdistan region and demands by demonstrators; where participants asserted necessity to calm down the situation in the region.

In a statement to the press issued after the meeting, member of PUK politburo, Mulla Bukhtiyar, and IPUK official, Abdul Sattar Majeed, shed light on main issues discussed.

Bukhtiyar said that the meeting was a continuation of previous ones held between PUK, KDP, IPUK and Taghyeer Party; an agreement on the issues discussed, they also discussed possibility of holding early election in the region.

For his part, Abdul Sattar Majeed asserted necessity to review the 22 points presented by opposition forces, pointing out the a fivefold meeting, including the PUK, KDP, IPUK , Taghyeer Party and Islamic Group, will be held soon, since current meetings have succeeded; asserting that all parties have agreed on the need to calm down the situation in Kurdistan region.