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Mon, 11/15/2010 - 07:18
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Nobel Laureates Want Nuclear Weapons Outlawed

Hiroshima, Nov. 14 (Jiji Press)--Nobel Peace laureates wrapped up
their three-day meeting here on Sunday by issuing a joint declaration that
called for nuclear weapons to be outlawed.
There is "no doubt that the use of nuclear weapons against any
people must be regarded as a crime against humanity and should henceforth be
prohibited," the declaration said.
"Nuclear weapons cannot be disinvented, but they can and must be
outlawed, just as chemical and biological weapon, landmines and cluster
munitions have been declared illegal," the declaration said.
Nuclear weapons are "the most inhumane threat of all," it said.
But the declaration, adopted at the 11th World Summit of Nobel
Peace Laureates, did not refer to this year's winner, imprisoned Chinese
prodemocracy activist Liu Xiaobo.
The 14th Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader, said in a speech at
a closing ceremony that it is outdated to resolve conflicts by force,
stressing that it is only dialogue that makes it possible to end conflicts.
The Dalai Lama said at a press conference after the meeting that
Chinese intellectuals sometime forget the spirit of tolerance, renewing his
support for Liu's 2008 thesis that called for an end to one-party rule by
the Communist Party.
The World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates was held in Japan for the
first time ever since it was launched in 1999 in Rome. Hiroshima, one of the
only two atomic-bombed cities in the world, marks the 65th anniversary of
the U.S. nuclear attack on the western Japan city this year.