ID :
Sat, 08/02/2008 - 12:36
Auther :

NAM's support for Iran's nuclear document very precious - Mottaki

Tehran, Aug 2, IRNA - Iran's Foreign Minister forwarded his special thanks to entire representatives and foreign ministers at 15th NAM Foreign Ministers Conference for supporting document related to Iran's peaceful nuclear program, saying this support is very precious for Iran.

According to IRNA Political Desk reporter, Manouchehr Mottaki who was speaking at the closing ceremony of the Conference, said, "This
support has a very important and clear message for some other

Mottaki meanwhile referred to NAM's support for solving a spectrum of issues in other countries, including Zimbabwe, reiterating, "At Tehran Conference the proposed solutions for solving problems in various countries were approved."
After the Islamic Republic of Iran's Foreign Minister's brief closing
address, the Ethiopian President's Consultant in Foreign Affairs on
behalf of the African countries, the Deputy Foreign Minister of
Philippines on behalf of the Asian countries, and the Nicaraguan
Foreign Minister on behalf of the Latin American countries appreciated
the hospitality and fine chairmanship of Iran during the event.

They also praised the unprecedented amount of agreements aimed at
problem solving around the globe reached during the conference,
expressing the entire participants' pleasure over attendance at such a
highly fruitful event.
