ID :
Thu, 09/09/2010 - 12:46
Auther :

China Official Refuses to Review Rare Earth Export Curbs

Beijing, Sept. 8 (Jiji Press)--Chinese Vice Commerce Minister Chen
Jian on Wednesday refused to review the country's regulations on rare earth
metal exports, spurning a request from a delegation of Japanese business
leaders now visiting China.
At a meeting with members of the mission from the Japan-China
Economic Association, Chen said that it would be possible to find ways to
reduce Japanese companies' burdens related to rare earth metal procurement
without making a change in the Chinese regulations.
Chen suggested that Japanese firms should increase imports of rare
earth metals, which are used in components of hybrid vehicles and mobile
phones, from countries other than China, such as the United States and
Still, Chen showed China's intention to accept a Japanese request
that a bilateral public-private panel be set up for discussions on the rare
earth metal issue.
As to a recent series of labor disputes at Japanese-affiliated
companies in China, the Chinese side cited the need to improve the country's
employment-related laws and raise wages for Chinese workers to improve their
living standards.
The members of the Japanese mission, led by Toyota Motor Corp.
<7203> Chairman Fujio Cho, includes Hiromasa Yonekura, chairman of the Japan
Business Federation, the biggest Japanese business lobby known as Nippon