ID :
Tue, 08/17/2010 - 13:54
Auther :

Japan to Develop Next-Generation Nuclear Reactor

Tokyo, Aug. 17 (Jiji Press)--Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry on Tuesday unveiled a plan to develop a next-generation nuclear reactor in cooperation with power firms and reactor makers including Toshiba Corp. <6502>.
The plan, presented to a meeting of the Japan Atomic Energy
Commission, calls for setting a basic design of the new reactor, whose
output capacity would reach 1.8 million kilowatts, about 30 pct more than an
existing reactor, by 2015.
The government aims to start using the new reactor, which can reach
a utilization rate of 97 pct, compared with about 60 pct at present, by
2030, officials said.
Development costs are estimated at 55 billion yen.
The government and the participating companies recently concluded
that they can develop such a next-generation reactor, a result of
discussions that started in fiscal 2008 that ended in March last year.
In developed countries, existing reactors will begin to reach their
60th year of operations in around 2030, with replacement demand estimated to
reach 270 reactors over the 20 years to 2050.
Japan sees the United States and European nations as key markets
for the envisioned next-generation reactor. Tokyo also hopes to export the
new products to other Asian nations.