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Thu, 05/27/2010 - 19:24
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SAO PAULO (A.A) - 27.05.2010 - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that, "a new period starts between Turkey and Brazil today."
"We target to improve bilateral relations between Turkey and Brazil to strategic partnership," Erdogan said while addressing Turkey-Brazil business forum.
Commenting on Turkish economy, Erdogan said global crisis had some impact on Turkish economy and noted that, "Turkey managed to contain this impact and succeeded in overcoming with the least damage."
"In the last quarter of 2009, Turkish economy recorded 6 percent growth. The shrinkage in whole of the year was below the estimations and recorded as 4.7 percent. Many financial institutions, including IMF, World Bank and OECD reaffirmed that Turkey would be the fastest growing country of the world in 2010 and afterwards. Turkey preserves its high growth performance despite the serious problem in Europe," Erdogan said.
Erdogan said, "since September 2008, the time when signals of global crisis started, rating note of many countries were reduced, notes of only 17 countries were upgraded. Turkey was the only country whose credit note was upgraded one after the other by four different institutions."
Erdogan said active initiatives of Turkey in foreign policy had positive reflections on foreign trade, "as Turkey served to peace in its region with the approach 'zero problem with neighbors', it gained the confidence of the neighboring countries being the address of compromise and mediation. We have broadened the axis of foreign trade and commercial relations to a great extend. We have been endeavoring to boost cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbeans as well as initiatives to Africa."
"Brazil is the main trade partner of Turkey in Latin America and the Caribbeans region. Turkey's trade volume with Brazil, which was 1.7 billion USD in 2008, dropped 1.4 billion USD in 2009 with the impact of global financial crisis. The figures in question do not reflect the real potential. Turkish and Brazilian governments are resolved to rise trade volume," Erdogan said.
Erdogan said conclusion of Turkey-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement will contribute to boosting of bilateral trade volume, "agreement to prevent double taxation (foreseen to be signed with Brazil on Thursday) will be in the benefit of the investors of the two parties. Developing cooperation in energy is at a satisfactory level."
Addressing Brazilian businessmen, Erdogan said, "Turkey has a central position where you can reach to 52 countries with a three-hour flight. Brazilian businessmen may access to Central Asian, Middle East and African markets via Turkey or over business partnerships in Turkey."
"Thanks to the direct flights of THY from Sao Paulo to Istanbul that started last year, transportation to markets in Turkey's regions has become more easier for the Brazilian businessmen. I also believe that contracting sector will have an important place in boosting of economic and commercial cooperation between our countries," Erdogan said.
Erdogan said, "Turkish construction sector assumed assertive projects in many geographies in the world and gained rightful appreciation of the world. This sector has achieved 155 billion USD business volume in 70 countries. Turkey's 31 companies ranked in the list of the first biggest 225 international contractors of the word. I think this sector may undertake infrastructure and superstructure projects in Brazil."
"Turkey presents innumerable opportunities for international companies with its 73 million young population, dynamic and free economy, big internal market, competitive industry and well trained business force. Economic policies pursed in the recent years have risen confidence in Turkish market. There is significant rise in number of direct foreign investment to Turkey," Erdogan said.
Touching on the foreign political developments, Erdogan said, "Turkey has become a center of attraction due to its active stance in foreign policy, peaceful approach and credible position. Turkey's reforms in domestic policy and reforms in economy continue. With the reforms Turkey strengthens is position as a stable country. I would like to reaffirm that Turkey is a credible country presenting very big opportunities. Turkey's reliable businessmen, successful contractors, experienced industrialists, solid economic structure and stable political structure should attract Brazilian friends to Turkey."
Erdogan said, "a new period starts between Turkey and Brazil today. Successful cooperation on problem regarding Iran, joint efforts in Alliance of Civilizations Project and dialogue between the businessmen of Turkey and Brazil opened new gates for the two countries. I wish this new process to be in the advantage of the peoples of the two countries as well as the economy circles."
Separately, Erdogan was given medal of Sao Paulo's Industry Federation over his contributions to industry.