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Thu, 05/27/2010 - 19:22
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SAO PAULO (A.A) - 27.05.2010 - The Turkish prime minister said on Wednesday that he aimed to upgrade relations with Brazil to strategic partnership with his formal visit.
Turkey's Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan said economic and commercial relations would constitute the most important part of that partnership.
Erdogan said Turkish-Brazilian relations had gained a new dimension after Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's visit to Turkey in May 2009.
"Our contacts have increased, cooperation has boosted, and our relations have gained a new momentum after Lula's visit," Erdogan said Turkish-Brazilian Business Forum in Sao Paulo.
Erdogan is the first Turkish prime minister ever to visit Brazil.
"I wish today's meeting will have concrete benefits to both sides, and boost our economic relations," he said.
Erdogan said Turkey and Brazil, two important actors of different geographies, should boost their cooperation not only in bilateral level but also regional and global level.
On Iran's nuclear program, Erdogan said Turkey and Brazil achieved a significant success on May 17.
"We have become the architects of a promising step aiming at the solution of Iran's nuclear program controversy, which has engaged the international community for a long time," Erdogan said.
Erdogan said Turkey and Brazil, as members of the United Nations (UN) Security Council and G-20, were contributing to global peace and welfare.
"Our cooperation will gain a new dimension with the third forum of the Alliance of Civilizations Initiative Brazil will host in Rio de Janeiro on May 28," he said.
Erdogan said these contacts and close cooperation were the first examples of how big things Turkey and Brazil could achieve in their region and the world.
Brazil was the biggest tenth economy in the world, Erdogan said.
Erdogan also said Turkey had become the 17th biggest economy in the world today with an annual growth of 4.3 percent, and it was the biggest sixth economy in Europe.
Premier Erdogan is paying a formal visit to Brazil, the first leg of his formal tour to Brazil, Argentina and Chile. 
Erdogan attended the inauguration ceremony of Turkey's new Consulate General in Sao Paulo, and First Turkey Export Goods Fair, and visited Embraer, the third biggest aircraft factory in the world, on Wednesday.
On Thursday, Erdogan is scheduled to meet Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and exchange views on international and regional matters. Two countries are expected to sign several agreements during the prime minister's visit.
Premier Erdogan will also meet Michel Elias Temer, the president of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil.
Erdogan is expected visit Brazilian Oil Company PetroBras, which carries out joint oil research studies with Turkey's TPAO in the Black Sea.
The Turkish prime minister will proceed to Rio de Janeiro on May 27 to attend Third Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations which will take place on May 28-29.
Erdogan will address the opening of the forum and attend lunch which will be hosted by Brazilian President Silva.
Premier Erdogan will return to Turkey on June 2 after visiting Argentina and Chile.