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Thu, 04/08/2010 - 15:52
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(Update) Japan's Planned New Political Party Clears Key Hurdle

Tokyo, April 7 (Jiji Press)--A new Japanese political party
envisioned by former cabinet members Takeo Hiranuma and Kaoru Yosano on
Wednesday cleared a key hurdle in the preparations for establishment.
As well as Hiranuma and Yosano, three other lawmakers from the main
opposition Liberal Democratic Party have decided to join the planned new
It will thus be able to meet the minimum requirement of five
lawmakers needed for legal recognition as a political party.
The new party plans to focus on policy measures aimed at achieving
a balance between economic growth and fiscal reconstruction.
The party also plans to call for maintaining universal postal
services across the country and creating a new constitution.
Speaking to reporters, Hiranuma, former minister of economy, trade
and industry, said that the new party will be named "Tachiagare Nippon,"
which literally means, "Stand up, Japan."
Hiranuma was among the lawmakers who left the then ruling LDP in
2005 because of their opposition to then Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's
postal reform policy.
Yosano recently submitted his resignation as an LDP member after
harshly criticizing the party's current executives, including President
Sadakazu Tanigaki.
Another would-be member of the new party is House of Councillors
lawmaker Yoshio Nakagawa. On Wednesday, he clarified his intention to join
the new party during a meeting with former LDP Secretary-General Bunmei
Ibuki and submitted his resignation in a separate meeting with Tadamori
Oshima, the LDP's current secretary-general.
The other two lawmakers set to join the new grouping are former
Acting Secretary-General Hiroyuki Sonoda, who has offered to resign as an
LDP member, and former transport minister Takao Fujii, an LDP Upper House
Sonoda and Fujii Wednesday agreed that the new party will consider
allowing an increase in the 5 pct consumption tax to restore fiscal health.
The new party is expected to finalize its basic policy on Thursday.
Policy details and party posts are set to be announced on Saturday.
Meanwhile, former disaster management minister Yoshitada Konoike
and Kyoko Nakayama, former adviser to the prime minister, both of whom
represent the LDP in the Upper House, denied speculation that they might
join the planned party.
Konoike said he will not participate because he has different
policies and ideals from those of Yosano and Sonoda. Nakayama said she has
nothing to do with the new party.
Nakayama's husband, Nariaki, has indicated his intention to join
the new grouping. He served as land minister but is not a lawmaker after
being defeated in last year's House of Representatives election.

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