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Wed, 03/31/2010 - 21:08
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SHANGHAI (A.A) – 31.03.2010 – Turkey will join the EXPO 2010 to open in the Chinese city of Shanghai on May 1.
The theme of the EXPO 2010 is "better city, better life".
"Turkey has made preparations for the EXPO in line with the theme," ambassador Sencar Ozsoy, the high commissioner of the Turkish Pavilion, told AA correspondent on Tuesday when preparations are under way for the EXPO 2010. 
Ozsoy said that the theme of Turkish pavilion was Catalhoyuk, a neolithic site in Anatolia.
"We want to show with our pavilion that a better city and better life began in Anatolia," Ozsoy said.
The 2,000-square-meter Turkish pavilion includes photographs of Catalhoyuk and it will take visitors to a journey in Anatolia from the age of Catalhoyuk to the Republican era, today's Istanbul and future. 
Around 70 million people are expected to visit the EXPO 2010 in 184 days, whereas the Turkish pavilion is to draw 10 percent of the total visitors, which means around 7 million people. 
A total of 192 countries and 50 international organizations will participate in the exposition, the budget of which is around 4.18 billion USD.
The EXPO 2010 will stay open till October 31.
EXPO which can be defined as the world's culture, history and education Olympics, gathers countries together to let them share their knowledge on the subjects which they became experts to have a better world for living. Not products but ideas, cultures, and projects for world's future are exhibited there.     
EXPO which leads the development of humanity with their social, cultural and educational sides, are placed on a 1 million 500 thousand square meters area and lasts for at least 3, at most 6 months and are arranged once every 5 years and millions of visitors all around the world are welcomed.