Rp18.9 trillion spent on Nusantara development: Indonesia
Jakarta, Sept 24 (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has informed that the realization of the new capital city Nusantara's development budget has reached Rp18.9 trillion (US$1 = Rp15,181) as of August 31, 2024.
The figure accounts for 43.1 percent of the total ceiling of Rp44 trillion in the 2024 State Budget (APBN). The budget realization will continue to increase after the handover of physical work reaches 100 percent.
"(Budget) for Nusantara's development in 2024 has been realized Rp18.9 trillion from a ceiling of Rp44 trillion, meaning 43.1 percent has been realized," Deputy Minister of Finance I Suahasil Nazara said during the "APBN KiTa" September 2024 Edition press conference here on Monday.
The budget was used for the development of infrastructure and non-infrastructure clusters.
The budget realization for the infrastructure cluster was recorded at Rp16.2 trillion from a ceiling of Rp40.7 trillion.
The budget was used for the construction of buildings in the State Palace area, offices of the coordinating ministries and other ministries, as well as the building of the Nusantara Capital City Authority (OIKN).
The budget will also be used for the construction of flats for civil servants as well as defense and security personnel, ministerial landed houses, and the Nusantara hospital.
The construction of toll roads, roads, and bridges, as well as the airport in Nusantara will also be funded by the State Budget.
Furthermore, funds in the infrastructure cluster were used for the arrangement and improvement of the Sepaku Semoi Dam area and Core Government Center Area, as well as for Nusantara flood control.
Meanwhile, the realization of the non-infrastructure cluster was recorded at Rp2.7 trillion from a ceiling of Rp3.3 trillion.
The budget was used for planning, coordinating, and preparing for the relocation; making reports and policy recommendations for ministries/institutions (K/L); carrying out mapping, monitoring, and evaluation activities; providing police security support; and conducting OIKN operations.
The total budget disbursed for the development of Nusantara amounted to Rp76.5 trillion, comprising fund allocation of Rp5.5 trillion in the 2022 State Budget, Rp27 trillion in the 2023 State Budget, and Rp44 trillion in the 2024 State Budget.