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Wed, 06/02/2010 - 21:11
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ANKARA (A.A) - 02.06.2010 - Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said on Wednesday that Turkey would not leave its any single citizen to the mercy of anybody.
Speaking at a news conference at Ankara's Esenboga Airport at his arrival from the United States, Davutoglu said he conveyed Turkey's determination to the United States saying, "we will review the relations with Israel as a whole in case this country fails to free Turkish citizens till Wednesday evening."
Davutoglu said MPs Huseyin Tanriverdi and Zeyid Aslan, prime minister's chief adviser Nabi Avci and foreign ministry deputy undersecretary Halit Cevik left for Israel with explicit directives and that the delegation would stay there till all the Turkish citizens return to the country. 
Davutoglu said 210 citizens have so far returned to Turkey, indicating that transfer of the citizens still continue. "a THY plane, two CASA type Turkish Air Forces plane and a plane belonging to Health Ministry are kept ready in the airport. Turkish and foreign passengers will be brought to Istanbul. The bodies will be brought to Istanbul and injured to Ankara."
Davutoglu said identities of three bodies were revealed and that only a credit card was found on the fourth people. "two citizens are seriously injured and unable to move. Those people will stay there and a Turkish doctor will stay there for them."
Turkish foreign minister said he had called on UN Security Council to convene at an emergency meeting, "the council convened very quickly and furthermore at a holiday time."
"All the aspects requested by Turkey are included in the UN Security Council presidential statement. Our requests were very clear, to ensure release of all the citizens and ships, to establish an international independent commission. And according to the success of the commission, compensation of the families of those who lost their lives, removal of embargo on Gaza and shipment of assistance to Gaza."
"Being a NATO member, we expected solidarity from the United States and it did. This country has a very close relationship with Israel. However, I very clearly expressed Turkey's determination. I said we will review relations with Israel in case Israel fails to release all our citizens till Wednesday evening. I have explained them the steps Turkey plans to take at the first stage and requested them to become a part," Davutoglu said.
Referring to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's telephone conversation with U.S. President Barack Obama, Davutoglu said he talked to U.S. National Security Adviser Gen. James Jones.
"We hope such kind of developments would not be experienced again. We think of turning the East Mediterranean into a peace basin. No country has the right to stop any ship unlawfully in the international waters and to attack those aboard the ship," Davutoglu said and urged international community not to allow this.
Davutoglu said all the countries attending UN Security Council meeting extended support to Turkey and expressed their condolences. "I hope this became a lesson to everybody," he added.
"No country has privilege in international law. All the countries are subject to international law and nobody has the right to see itself above the international law. Human Rights violations in Palestine and embargo on Gaza are crimes of humanity. And it should not be maintained. Everybody, mainly Israel, has to think once again and take steps towards restoration of a lasting peace in the Middle East," Davutoglu said adding that, "being a nation feeling itself responsible for all the developments in the region in historical means, Turkish nation can not and will not remain indifferent to the developments in question and will continue to purse all the developments."
Davutoglu said talks were underway in other international platforms like NATO and UN Human Rights Committee and the primary target was to ensure security of the citizens.
Turkish foreign minister said he learned that spouses and families of Israeli diplomats requested Turkey to return to their country, and noted that, "I am addressing the Israeli diplomats and their spouses: their security is the honor of Turkish state. It is our duty to ensure their security. They should not hesitate in anyway."
"Our Jewish citizens are essential elements of our nation. They are not foreigners. We have lived together for centuries and we will continue to live together. We never make any discrimination. According to our state tradition, any discrimination can not be in question. I request our jewish citizens to be at ease," he said.
Similarly, Davutoglu wanted Israeli tourists to be at ease, noting they were the guests of Turkish state.