ID :
Thu, 06/03/2010 - 14:56
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ISTANBUL (A.A) - 03.06.2010 - A total of three Turkish Airlines (THY) planes, carrying activists who were detained after a recent Israeli raid against Gaza-bound aid ships, landed in Istanbul early on Thursday.
The planes, carrying 466 activists as well as bodies of 9 people that were killed in the attack, landed at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport at short intervals.  
Turkish State Minister & Deputy Premier Bulent Arinc and a number of officials welcomed the THY planes which also brought back four Justice and Development (AK) Party deputies who went to Israel to help the volunteers.
Speaking to reporters while waiting for the arrival of the planes at the airport, Arinc said, "For now, diplomacy has succeeded, however, Israel will be asked within the framework of laws to pay for the murders it has committed".
Arinc said that the Turkish justice ministry had also launched the necessary initiatives in order to follow the issue within the scope of criminal and international laws. 
Addressing the crowd waiting at the airport for the activists as well, Arinc said, "We have all condemned this unfair, cruel and barbaric attack which was totally an act of piracy".
Arinc noted that the Turkish government had expressed its condemnation over the incident and informed the world on such injustice just like Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had done in his speech at AK Party's latest group meeting. 
Pointing to the declaration signed by all the political parties in the Turkish parliament which condemned the Israeli attack, the Turkish deputy premier also said necessary actions would be taken in line with such declaration.
On Monday, an Israeli raid on the convoy of ships with more than 600 people on board killed 9 people and injured nearly 30 others. Four of the dead were Turkish citizens.