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Fri, 12/11/2020 - 13:44

Russia in Talks on Sputnik V Vaccine Deliveries With Turkey, Many Other Nations

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) is discussing coronavirus vaccine Sputnik V deliveries and production with many foreign nations, including Turkey, Alexander Gintsburg, the head of the Gamaleya research institute that developed the vaccine, said on Thursday. Negotiations are ongoing on "the possibility to study, purchase and produce the Sputnik V vaccine on the territory of the Republic of Turkey", according to Gintsburg. "RDIF is currently engaged in highly successful similar negotiations with several dozens of countries across the globe, with the participation of our institute, which has developed the vaccine. The negotiations are in different phases. Experimental production has been launched in some countries, while phase three clinical trials are conducted in others", he said, aired by Russia-24 broadcaster. "I can assure you that we are ready to receive our Turkish colleagues, under agreements determined by the Russian Direct Investment Fund and the Russian Health Ministry, to discuss all details and shortly deliver the necessary amount of doses. First of all - for various examinations, and also for starting the third phase of the clinical trials in Turkey involving volunteers", Gintsburg stressed. The statement by the official was published after Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca denounced Haberturk's reports, claiming that he had turned down the Russian vaccine, stressing it was a misunderstanding. Russia registered Sputnik V, the world's first coronavirus vaccine, on 11 August. About 50 countries have already ordered 1.2 billion doses of the drug, which demonstrated an efficacy of over 95% during Phase III trials. According to scientists, Sputnik V will help people develop immunity to the virus for at least two years. Read more: