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Thu, 06/11/2020 - 13:29
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State Emergency Commission discusses COVID-19 related issues

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ At its regular meeting convened today, June 11, the State Emergency Commission (SEC) discussed the following issues. - In regard with the COVID-19 situation, attendees of the meeting firstly discussed work loading at the National Center for Communicable Diseases (NCCD). The NCCD has received 199 COVID-19 patients in the past, of whom 89 have been recovered and 105 people are undergoing treatment. The hospital has 30 days reserve of medications and injections and other necessary stuffs except N95 face mask are sufficient so far. Furthermore, a large amount of medications and pharmaceutical products are estimated to be brought by a charter flight to Japan, which took off today morning. - The SEC also discussed issues related with border checkpoints. Freight transportation has not been not interrupted at all. Export of coal and mineral products runs at normal level. In particular, around 570 heavy trucks are crossing the country's border through Gashuunsukhait border checkpoint a day and talks with the Chinese side are underway to increase the number in the future. Furthermore, as the country’s economy is likely to become difficult in the second half of this year, the Government will render all round support to its businesses. - Works to provide frontline public workers with apartments began. It is open for entities and construction companies, who want to get their apartments involved in the program, to submit their requests. Officers working at border protection agency, intelligence agency, customs agency and wastewater treatment plant and health care workers will be involved in the program. - A temporary regulation for the prevention of COVID-19 spread during the Parliamentary election campaign was approved on May 27, 2020. However, implementation of the regulation is unsatisfactory. In the regulation it was outlined that if online meetings are not possible, conference rooms and halls to host the meetings and events must be disinfected in advance and participants must remain at least 1.5 meter away from each other at all times. This rule is being violated and therefore, the SEC warned candidates and the public to adhere the rules strictly during the election campaign as the spread of the pandemic is increasing globally.